Planetary Light Work

Light workers, hear the graceful melodies of love. Hear your inner voice, carry out the suggestions of your soul. Light workers, now it is time to act. Wrap up the sleeves and start to work. Light workers, hear this call to engage into the work of light and love.

You all that want the world to have peace and good will among people are light workers. Because as you spiritually wise souls know everything is energy. In hard matter as well as thoughts, words, acts and emotions are energy. So therefore truly you all who want to shine and send the force of light and love for our planet, nature, people and all that need help are important light workers.

By acting together everything is possible. Where two or more people works for light and love nothing is impossible. Lovely light workers, now its our time to make everywhere in the world the work of light and love and definitely move the mountains.

See through your souls how millions of light workers around the world each day at the same time shine like a sun and form together a light circle around the globe. This is a planetary light work. It is time to take responsibility of our own development and take care of the lovely and beautiful planet.

Depending on the time zone and our individual situation we differ how much we can put effort on the planetary work on that one hour. I’m still confident that everyone wants to participate to common light and love work and to find a small part of that hour, even just a minute, for the collective work.

This planetary light work hour is Greenwich Mean Time 14.00-15.00 o’clock. Greenwich Mean Time or GMT is an international time zone system. Everyone can check for example from internet site how much the time zone is before or late the GMT and calculate what is the clock in your time zone at GMT 14.00-15.00.

This hour has been chosen such that as many human as possible is awake and can participate into planetary light work. You who are at that time sleeping and would like to participate to this collective light work, and you who otherwise wish to, can select a time to consciously be in that moment with others and send light and love to the moment at GMT 14.00-15.00.

Everyone can take part to this planetary light work with the way most convenient for you. Like for example with positive thoughts, images, feelings, symbols, prayers, blessings, being quiet, meditating, singing, playing, reiki, karuna, healing etc.

The goal and purpose is to send/deliver/channel light and love and help the whole mankind as well as individual people and our planet or mother earth and all living. See how people all over live in peace with each other and love prevails among everyone. How each person shines unconditional and pure love and is energetic and healthy. Animals, woods, waters, everywhere nature feels great and is clean. We see how people around live and act such to have everything for the best for all living.

We can thus be for each other and whole mankind a great help when participating daily to this planetary light work. The regularity of the work is important, even just for a second each day. We can metaphorically say this planetary light work to be a constant collective heart beat of light. This light helps all living all around the globe and especially there where it is mostly needed.

I would be joyful to see this call for planetary light work to be translated as many languages as possible. You can send me this call for planetary light work translated on your own language so I can add it among other translations to the web page My e-mail is

You can send forward this invitation to the Planetary Light Work that all of those people in the world who feel this right inside them can join for this work of light.

Light and love!

Best regards, light worker